Use this calculator to compare your house against thousands in the Department of Energy’s dataset.

Please provide your total energy use for the past year.

Results So Far

Your Home
Postal Code Building Sq Ft
Electric kWh/year

Add Your Energy Costs

Cost information based on national averages. For more accuracy, divide your total costs (utility and supply) by your usage last month to fill in your own rate and press 'Next' to calculate.
Electric / kWh
Fuel Rate



You rock! If you don’t have comfort, moisture, durability or health issues, why are you here?? In all seriousness, if you'd like information or help with specific problems, complete the information below and we'll send you a report with possible next steps.

If your home is comfortable and healthy you are doing pretty well. If you'd like information or help with specific problems, complete the information below and we'll send you a report with possible next steps.

Many homeowners in this range feel that, given their energy bills, their homes are uncomfortable. Temperatures from room to room can vary more than 2-3 degrees. Humidity and smells may be hard to control. Often there are health issues like dampness, stagnant air, and microbial growth. If you'd like information or help with specific problems, complete the information below and we'll send you a report with possible next steps.

We view high EUI homes as excellent opportunities for Comprehensive Home Performance - homeowners in these homes typically feel that their energy bills are crazy and their homes are really uncomfortable. Temperatures from room to room can vary more than 5-6 degrees, and some rooms may be unusable in some seasons. Humidity and smells may be hard to control. Often there are health issues like dampness, stagnant air, and microbial growth. If you'd like information or help with specific problems, complete the information below and we'll send you a report with possible next steps.

Send for a complete analysis, including climate zone specifics.

First Name
Click SEND for your PDF report.
Sample Report - page 1: